Sunday, February 23, 2014

Andy Goldsworthy

Andy Goldsworthy is an artist who mainly uses products of the environement to create his art and his hands as tools. He generally uses all natural found objects to create his pieces. The materials that he uses are usually natural materials, such as leaves, sand, ice, and stone. The artwork that he produces usually does not last long and many times is only seen in pictures. Many times when he is working with materials, he really gets to know the material and how it acts in different positions. He also takes the materials to the edge of their collapsing points. That is what makes so many of his pieces so interesting. Andy Goldsworthy is probably best known for his installation pieces resembling cones. He has constructed these forms from wood, ice, stone, and other natural materials. 

He knows that these pieces that he creates will not last long and that soon after he finishes them they could be destroyed by the natural elements of the earth. In some videos that I have seen of him working with such materials I can tell that he has an extreme amount of patience to create the work that he does. So many times he has to start over because the works that he is developing never make it to completion. They collapse by one slight shift in weight or a little breeze that tears the craftsmanship apart. 

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