Widely known for his PBS television show "The Joy of Painting" which had a total of 403 episodes, Bob Ross painted countless lanscape pieces throughout his career. The TV show that he hosted was an instructional show in which he guided viewers through the process of painting oil on canvas. From many of the videos that I've seen he made painting look so effortless. He is also very widely known for his quirky personality with his art. Once he said that "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." He seemed to be very intouch with all of his art like it was more than just paint on the canvas. He acted like he was stepping into the world that he was painting.
Today it is very rare to find his work because he donated most of them to different networks and places and even to students and the ones that are still out there people are not willing to give them up.
Bob Ross died July 4, 1995
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