Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Boise Art Museum Lisa Kokin - Lace Cowboy - Like A Museum

In the exhibit How the West was Sewn: Lace Cowboy by Lisa Kokin Displayed at the Boise Art Museum there are images of cowboys sewn in lace with their guns. They are all in different poses and actions that might have taken place in the old west. The images are put together with different fabrics and thread until they resemble a collage of fabrics and textiles in the shape of a cowboy. They are smaller than life like in size probably around 4 feet high and the proportions all seem to be right in the way that someone would naturally move.  They all tell a story and seem to imply motion in the action that they are taking. It seems that there should be more to the story that is told. We as the viewer are only looking at a frozen snapshot of the story and it makes the viewer curious to what led up to this event and what may have happened after. The exhibit was set up in the gallery where all the figures were placed flat on the walls. They all told different stories but they all could belong together too.

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